How I Made Money Blogging in my First Month

How I Made Money Blogging in my First Month

My third child was born at the end of February. With her birth came the realization that I had no business going back to my job with three kids at home. This being said, I started the endless research into work from home opportunities, so that I could help my husband to support the household by bringing…

12 Things I say to my Toddler in a Day (Sometimes in a Hour)

12 Things I say to my Toddler in a Day (Sometimes in a Hour)

I love my toddler with all my heart. Really I do. He is smart, handsome, adventurous, kind. He is also busy. Like crazy busy. When I decided to become a stay at home mom, I never dreamt my toddler would keep me this busy. I dreamt of preschool activities. Reading books, doing flash cards, quiet learning…

Dinner Time, Why I Make It A Habit to Eat Around the Table

Dinner Time, Why I Make It A Habit to Eat Around the Table

Sitting around the dinner table tonight, my family becomes engaged in conversation about my 8-year-old’s return to school from Spring Break. Excitedly telling us about her day, she delves into a story about how the Lochness Monster is real because her teacher Googled it and found information about it.  The post contains affiliate ads. I…